Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cutting back the caffeine..

Like many other dieters, I switched to Diet Coke long ago to try and cut down on some of the calories I was taking in. The problem is I never cut back on the caffeine I was taking in. I have my cup of coffee in the morning and bottles of Diet Coke all day and all night long. A while back I decided to start to cut back on the caffeine (as a side note, I will cut back on the soda but my morning cup of coffee will never be replaced!) and I started drinking fruit juice. Well, I know what you are already thinking...not a smart idea!! 

Then I am sure some of you are thinking why is she drinking more water??? I'll be honest, water has never been my favorite thing. Although, I know that I should drink more of it since it is a great way to help weight loss, I just have huge problems doing it and instead I find myself not drinking enough at all.

Enter Safeway's refreshe brand sparkling flavored water. They have a ton of different fruit flavors and with the added bubbles it makes my brain think I'm having a soda when I'm not. They taste great and are often on sale at your local Safeway. A few weeks ago I snagged a bunch at $.79 each for the 1 liter bottle. They also come in a 4 pack of smaller bottles. If you are looking for something new to try, add these to your rotation!! 

On top of all of it they are 0 points!!

These are just three of the awesome flavors I have enjoyed!!

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