Thursday, July 4, 2013

Starting with me...

So here I sit on page one deciding what I should talk to you all about first. I realize that we should start with me. Talking about my weight was not something that I ever thought I would do. Until recently, my husband never even knew how much I weighed because I didn't think it was important that he knew and I wasn't exactly comfortable telling him what the scale said. I had always been a thick girl and after I had my daughter my weight continued to slowly rise. I knew I wasn't very happy in my own skin but I didn't have a whole lot of time to give it a second thought.

 Me in May 2011

In January of 2013, a coworker decided to start Weight Watchers. I was so proud of her and she was doing so well. I remembered that I had been on the program once before and I was successful for a short while. Like most people, I dropped the first 20 pounds and I was thrilled. I then slowly fell off the plan and back into my old ways. Now, I had given notice at my job of 10 years and I was about to embark upon a new journey with a new company and I was very excited about it. I figured if I was going to make a change then why not do it now? Why not start fresh from day one? So I did. I signed up, I stepped on the scale, and I took to Pinterest to find every recipe I could that would help me along. I loaded the apps on my phone and decided I would hit this full throttle.

By June 2013, I have lost 32 pounds.

July 2013

Every day is a constant temptation when you remember how good things taste when they are bad for you. The plus side of Weight Watchers is that I am not restricted to what I can and can not eat. I make the decisions of what I put in my mouth. Sometimes regular sugar is better than fake sugar. Sometimes full fat is better than fat free. Fruit and vegetables are your friend and an orange is always better for you than orange juice. Regardless, no diet should have you drop a bunch of weight too quickly or keep you unbalanced with your food intake. I eat more now, on WW, than I ever did before and its crazy!!

I have encouraged people to take the journey with me whenever they asked. It is an amazing feeling that I can not ever really explain. I am proud of myself and I feel great. I hope to inspire someone to start the journey while they read this or to get back on the wagon. Food should never be the enemy. Too often I see people diet and they are so upset that they are forced to eat things that they don't want to or are trying to live off of a shake for hours at a time. I still bake cupcakes, make pudding, and eat chips. I have days that are hard and I really want to eat a tub of ice cream. Those are the days that I find an alternative to take the need away and I go to my support team. I have great friends and family and most importantly, a very supportive husband, that gives me a high five every Sunday on weigh in day. Even if it is only half a pound that week!

Hopefully, I will be able to begin to share with you the great finds I come across and even some saving tips. I will share my highs and lows because life is not always gumdrops and rainbows. Sometimes, you just gotta eat cake...


  1. I am so proud of you. You look amazing and I couldn't be happier for you. Even though i'm on weight watchers and ive fallen off more times i care to admit, i will continue to get back on because of your inspiration. I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey, even though you don't need it. Now get some easy recipes on here for me!! :-)


    1. Thanks Katie!! I promise I will and I hope to make sure that I also have easy stuff that you can just pick up. You will get there too!! I promise...ONE DAY AT A TIME!!

  2. I don't even know you and I'm proud of you! I think admitting what's going on is the hardest step, but so necessary. Good for you for talking to your husband and for taking the right steps needed to make the changes you need for you! It's so empowering losing weight and getting healthy! I can't wait to follow your journey!

    1. Thank you for that. Thank you for stopping by to take a look as well. I really appreciate it. You are right that the first step is realizing and admitting what is going on. We can't change for the better if we never know what the problem is!! Really nice to hear such positive vibes!!
